Saturday, October 23, 2010

Negative Tides

It's negative tide season again! Negative tides that happen in the daylight hours, that is. November and December offer some nice afternoon negative tides. Check the tide tables and plan your trip to the cove. Bring kids and cameras. LEAVE THE WILDLIFE!


  1. So when do you want to go?

    How about the weekend of Nov 6-7?
    11/05/2010 Fri 02:21AM LDT 1.3 L 08:39AM LDT 6.9 H 03:36PM LDT -1.0 L 09:53PM LDT 4.5 H
    11/06/2010 Sat 02:58AM LDT 1.6 L 09:16AM LDT 7.0 H 04:21PM LDT -1.1 L 10:44PM LDT 4.3 H
    11/07/2010 Sun 02:36AM LST 1.9 L 08:53AM LST 6.9 H 04:08PM LST -1.0 L 10:38PM LST 4.1 H


    For a discussion about the forces that produce tides along the west coast. It helps explain why the lowest tide slips forward and behind the 24 hour cycle. Thanks to your sharp eye, I looked it up and learned something new!

  3. And then there is DST "Fall Back" at 2AM Sunday 11/7.
