Gray Hairstreak, Strymon melinus
Butterflies are only slightly easier than birds to catch in a photo, but this fellow obliged by sitting still for the longest time. I actually took this shot with the macro and not a telephoto, he let me get that close to him. He was rubbing his hindwings back and forth, a sign he was "nectaring."West Coast Lady, Vanessa annabella
White Checkered-Skipper, Pyrgus albescens
Western Pygmy-Blue, Brephidium exile
This butterfly is tiny! Yvetta alerted me to its presence or else I never would have seen it.Purple Sage, Salvia leucophylla with Bumble Bee
Bladderpod, Isomeris arborea with Harlequin Bugs, Murgantia histrionica
The one on the right is a later nymph (young bug). These are true bugs.Bladderpod, Isomeris arborea with Harlequin Bug eggs
The little white barrels with two black hoops around (or in this case, one black and one brown) are the eggs. You can see a row of these barrels in the previous photo to the lower left of the bugs.Silver Argiope, Argiope argentata, with meal
This spider makes an orb web with shiny, radiating "stabilimenta" (sing. stabilimentum). It was the stabilimenta that caught my eye.Funnel Web made by a Funnel Weaver Spider (family: Agelenidae)
I took this photo just because I thought it was unusual (and pretty). It wasn't until my son asked me about it that I discovered that the funnel was created on purpose. The funnel was about two inches in diameter.It's a funnel web, and as you see consists of a flat, horizontal sheet of web that "funnels" into a tunnel-like hole. That hole is where the spider stays. An insect blunders onto the web, inside the hole the spider feels vibrations of the hapless critter on his web, the spider rushes out, bites the insect, and carries it back into the funnel. As the spider grows it adds new layers to the flat web, so you can look at the web and judge how large the spider is.
I'd say this one was pretty large!
If you take a tuning fork and play it near the entrance the spider will come out. They are very communal. You will see a big field with lots of individual webs. The Mom's babies make their own funnel nearby Mom.
Our daughter Loralynn had a funnel spider and web on a low bookcase in her room when she was growing up. She had it for about a year. One day she was upset because there were 2 spiders in the web and she didn't know how many others there would be. We looked closely at the spiders in the web. One was a molt and the other was the spider. No problem then. She left it there and continued watching it.