I think I have been really good about not posting too many pictures of my two grandsons, but this one of Baby C. that my daughter sent me yesterday is just so cute! My daughter labelled it, "My Favorite Things" (and from the looks of it, eating is one of his favorite things, too.) She says that to make the photo complete, he would need to be holding a cell phone, a regular phone, a camera, and an iPod as well. Buttons are just so fascinating! When we go for walks in his neighborhood, he tries to climb the steps to every door to ring the doorbell. Taking his picture has become almost impossible since I let him push the buttons on the back of my camera to see the photos come up on the LCD display. As soon as I take the camera out, he tries to grab it.
A few weeks ago, his favorite things were pots and pans. I gave him a couple of old pans from my kitchen, real grownup pans, not little toys, and definitely not plastic, and he acted like I had just given him the Crown Jewels. He spent days carting the pans around the house, moving them from here to there and back again, putting things inside, and clanging the lids. He loves to be held up high to see what's cooking on the stove except he is getting awfully heavy. His first word was "hot!" Maybe he'll be a chef, or a doorman, or an elevator operator who pushes buttons all day long.
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